Thanksgiving & Your Skin: How to Ensure You Stay Glowing this Holiday

Thanksgiving marks the official start of the holiday season; a season full of food, friends, and more than a little bit of stress. While there’s plenty to be thankful for this holiday season, no one wants to spend the end of the year dealing with breakouts and other skin problems. Fortunately, a proper skincare routine goes a long way in helping your skin handle the stress of the holiday season.

Below, we’ll cover the common skin issues you’re likely to encounter over the Thanksgiving holiday and we’ll provide some helpful tips for keeping your skin healthy throughout the holiday season.

How Thanksgiving Staples Affect Your Skin

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a giant roast turkey, an overflowing bowl of mashed potatoes, and a boat full of steaming gravy. These holiday favorites are good for the soul, but not always so good for the skin. While turkey is packed with protein and relatively low in calories, many people drown it in carb-loaded gravy with a generous helping (or two) of mashed potatoes.

Delicious as a Thanksgiving feast may be, it’s important to understand the impact of certain foods on your body and on your skin. Remember, carbohydrates are sugars which, in excessive amounts, can trigger inflammation and contribute to premature aging. Fatty add-ons like gravy and butter can stimulate androgen production and cause breakouts while salt saps moisture from your skin.

We’re not suggesting you sit Thanksgiving out, but you may want to go into the meal prepared with knowledge about how to protect your skin. Limit your intake of overly rich, carb-heavy foods and make sure to put some healthy options on your plate.

Here are some healthy options to indulge in:

  • Eggs – Deviled eggs are a staple at holiday parties and a great appetizer to satisfy your rumbling tummy once the house fills with the smell of roasted turkey. Eggs are packed with protein to help repair the skin as well as the carotenoid lutein which supports elasticity.
  • Turkey – Low in carbs and packed with protein, turkey (especially breast meat) is a healthy option for your body and your skin. Even if you prefer dark meat, know that you’ll be fueling your skin with a rich source of zinc and riboflavin.
  • Pumpkin – Packed with natural enzymes that support digestion, pumpkin is also a rich source of skin-supporting beta-carotene and vitamin A. These nutrients help fight free radical damage to help keep your skin looking youthful and fresh.
  • Green Beans – In addition to being low in calories and loaded with fiber, green beans are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Steam them lightly to preserve all that nutrition and flavor.
  • Cranberries – These little red berries are loaded with healthy antioxidants which fight inflammation. They’re also packed with vitamin C and fiber. Just keep in mind that fresh cranberries are much better for you than canned cranberry jelly.
  • Sweet Potatoes – Rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes help promote healthy skin cell renewal. If you want to keep things healthy, skip the sugary sweet potato casserole and throw a fresh sweet potato in the oven to roast with the turkey during the last hour of cooking.

Even red wine has antioxidant benefits for your skin, when enjoyed in moderation. Whatever your menu looks like this Thanksgiving, try to strike a balance between healthy, nutritious choices and delicious indulgences. Just remember, you’ll have plenty of leftovers to enjoy over the coming days, so you don’t have to do it all in one go!

Give Thanks for Glowing Skin


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Understanding how different foods can potentially affect your skin is the first step in staving off post-holiday breakouts. The second step is to make sure you have a proper skincare routine in place. Even if you don’t have the discipline for a 7-step routine, twice-daily cleansing and moisturizing will help keep your skin healthy and happy throughout the holiday season.

Here are some simple skincare tips to keep your skin glowing this Thanksgiving:

  • Cleanse twice daily. It’s important to remove your makeup before bed and to cleanse first thing in the morning to remove surface oil and other impurities. At the very least, cotton rounds and a bottle of Eau Micellaire on hand for a fast and easy cleansing.
  • Stay hydrated. Both your body and your skin require hydration for optimal health, especially when you add stressors like holiday planning to your to-do list. Drink plenty of water and load up on hydrating moisturizer like Hydra No. 1 Crème to soothe and repair dry skin.
  • Be proactive about acne prevention. Breakouts seem to happen suddenly, but they often spend a few days developing under the skin. Twice-weekly exfoliation can help keep breakouts under control but if a blemish rears its ugly head, address it immediately with a spot treatment like Yon-Ka’s Juvenil.
  • Add a serum or booster to the mix. Thanksgiving is a time of indulgence, so why not indulge your skin while you’re at it? Add an anti-aging serum like Cellular Code or a hydrating serum like Hydra No. 1 Serum to your daily skincare routine for healthy, glowing skin.

The holidays are a time to celebrate, but after they’re over you may find yourself needing to do a little damage control. After Thanksgiving indulgences, your skin could probably benefit from a post-holiday wellness weekend and Yon-Ka Paris has the perfect products for the job.

Apply a generous layer of Phyto-Contour to the eye and lip contours and smooth a thick layer of detoxifying Masque 103 (or Masque 105 for dry skin) to the face and neck. Run a hot bath with a dash of Phyto Bain bath oil and soak your worries away. When you’re finished, rinse off and spritz on some Lotion Yon-Ka.

Skincare is just one component of a healthy lifestyle, whether it’s the holiday season or not. To make sure you’re looking and feeling your best this holiday season, take the time to invest in your own mental and physical health with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep.

The post Thanksgiving & Your Skin: How to Ensure You Stay Glowing this Holiday appeared first on Yon-Ka Paris.

from Yon-Ka Paris


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